WHS Wildlife Rehab Center

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Whatcom Humane Socity Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Reforestation | Whatcom Million Trees Project

WMTP PlanTing Project

WHS Wildlife Rehab Center Reforestation

Reforesting 12 Acres of Whatcom Humane Society’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

This project launched in Fall 2023. Hardworking volunteers from WMTP and Whatcom Humane Society joined together on five work parties across the 2023-2024 planting season, and planted over 950 seedlings — the first step of a three- or four-year phased effort with Whatcom Humane Society to reforest and restore approximately 12 acres of a former hay field at the back of their remote Wildlife Rehabilitation Center site. We thank Washington Conservation Corps crews for providing additional ground-clearing, planting, mulching, and caging support to increase the success of these efforts.
Whatcom Humane Society Wildlife Rehabilitation Center reforestation | Whatcom Million Trees Project
Unlike the WHS main site in Bellingham, this site is not meant to have regular public access since the wildlife that are being rehabilitated there should not bond to any form of human contact. So our work will carefully proceed in a quiet, non-obtrusive manner.
Over time, the reforestation will not only add substantial new native tree canopy to our region, but also will restore additional wildlife habitat for the wide array of animal species that are being rehabbed on-site. It’s a big win for both the trees and animals!

The seedlings purchased for the initial phases of this project are funded by Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) and Whatcom County Library System (WCLS), both of which implemented collaborative programs in 2023 and 2024 to engage the public in creative fundraising efforts. Funding has also been provided by the Whatcom Community Foundation via a 2024 Project Neighborly Grant, and by SeaWitch Botanicals. We thank these terrific partners heartily for their support, as well as the community members who participated in WTA’s Rides for Trees and WCLS’s Summer Reading program the past two summers!

The next phase starts in Fall 2024, and the dates are now on the schedule! Register now!

Volunteer Opportunities

Want to volunteer in a WMTP work party? Meet other tree-lovers, enjoy fresh air, have fun, and contribute to a cool project and important cause? Please join our work party contact list!

Related Links/Resources

City of Bellingham’s Woodstock Farm Park — main webpage

Work Party Photos

November 18

December 10

Home > Projects > Tree Planting > WHS Wildlife Rehab Center