How can you have fun, meet others, gain new skills, enjoy fresh air, and participate hands-on in an important cause?
Volunteer for a few hours in a WMTP work party!
No special skills, fitness, or gear from you are required! We’ll show you how to do everything and provide all the tools and support needed. Working safely and comfortably as a flexible group, the work is always fun and satisfying!
Family members (elementary age or older) and friends can come too — and often do! (Participants under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian… see our Work Party FAQs.) Usually, we have 20-25 people per event — a “just right” size.
Ready to sign up with us? All it takes is one or two easy steps below:
Step 1: New to WMTP Work Parties?
Fill out this one-time registration form. We’ll send an occasional email notifying you of our new work party dates — you’ll get first dibs at those!
Step 2: Already registered above?
Then click any box below for a specific work party date to attend. After you submit the brief form that will appear, you’ll receive an auto-reply email confirming your submittal. (Check your Spam folder, if necessary.) Please be sure to add the date and time to your calendar!
Then no later than two days before the work party, you’ll receive a reminder email with further details (parking, exact location, any changes, etc.). Meanwhile, If you have questions or didn’t receive either email, please contact us ASAP. Thanks!
IMPORTANT: Please register for an event EVEN IF you’re not 100% sure you can make it. You can always cancel if needed. Unexpected changes to date, time, and/or location can occur, and you won’t hear about them right away if you’re not registered.
Also let us know if you share an event someplace else, so we can notify you and you can update the information if plans change.
Saturday, February 8th 2025, 12-3PM: Tree & Shrub Seedling Potting at NSEA
The week before this event, we’ll receive delivery of a mix of tree and understory plant seedlings, and they’ll need to be potted quickly so they can survive until the next planting work parties in early spring!
The facility has covered areas and tables, and we provide refreshments and gloves. These events typically fill up fast, so don’t miss your chance!
Accessibility: Easy
Saturday, March 1st 2025, 12-3PM: Understory Planting at WHS
From 2023-2024, volunteers planted hundreds of baby trees in a former hayfield by Whatcom Humane Society’s Wildlife Rehab Center. It’s major progress on a future forest, but healthy forests require a diverse mix of plants, not just trees!
Join us and the Koma Kulshan chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) for the next stage of this exciting reforestation project — weaving a thriving understory of native shrubs and ground cover in among the growing tree seedlings!
Accessibility: Moderate
Saturday, March 15th 2025, 12-3PM: Understory Planting at WHS
From 2023-2024, volunteers planted hundreds of baby trees in a former hayfield by Whatcom Humane Society’s Wildlife Rehab Center. It’s major progress on a future forest, but healthy forests require a diverse mix of plants, not just trees!
Join us and the Koma Kulshan chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) for the next stage of this exciting reforestation project — weaving a thriving understory of native shrubs and ground cover in among the growing tree seedlings!
Accessibility: Moderate
Sunday, March 16th 2025, 12-3PM: Tree & Shrub Seedling Potting at NSEA
The week before this event, we’ll receive delivery of bare-root tree and shrub seedlings, and they’ll need to be potted quickly so they can survive until our next planting party in April!
The facility has covered areas and tables, and we provide refreshments and gloves. These events typically fill up fast, so don’t miss your chance!
Accessibility: Easy