Tree Planting / Restoration Projects

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Our Focus for Tree Planting Projects within Whatcom County:

Planting “right species in the right place” native tree seedlings in sites that have a public purpose or benefit, such as…

— parks, trails & Greenways,
— other public sites (campuses, schools, libraries, etc.),
— multi-user facilities (health care, faith centers, etc.),
— public mitigation sites, buffers & tree ‘banks’,
— urban open spaces (via mini-forests), and
— assisted regeneration forest areas.

Current Tree Planting Projects

WHS Wildlife Rehab Center Reforestation

Reforesting 12 acres of Whatcom Humane Society’s animal rehabilitation site.

Reforestation in Popular Whatcom County Parks

Thousands of new trees for popular parks in Ferndale, Lynden, and Nugent’s Corner.

WWU Miyawaki Mini-Forest Planting & Education

Co-creating an innovative, dense mini-forest at Western Washington Univ.

Tree Planting Projects in Bellingham Parks

Enhancing areas of Bellingham Parks that need restoration and more tree canopy.

Lummi Island Preserves Reforestation

Ongoing assisted reforestation of major Preserves on Lummi Island.

Rescuing Native Tree Seedlings For Projects

Transplanting unwanted native tree seedlings/sprouts to where they’ll thrive in protected lands.

More Tree Planting Projects Coming Soon!

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