Our Focus for Tree Protection Projects in Whatcom County:
Protecting existing mature trees and forests in…
— key watersheds (Lake Whatcom, Padden, Samish, Nooksack) to help our drinking water quality, salmon, habitat, carbon capture, etc.
— urban settings to reduce extreme heat impacts & floods/runoff, enhance our communities & air quality, etc.
— other public or private parcels with at-risk trees due to non-native climbing plants such as English ivy.
Current Tree Protection Projects
English Ivy Removal From Threatened Trees
Innovative initiatives to urgently remove English ivy that’s killing Thousands of trees.
Protecting Whatcom Forests & Watersheds
Successes in 5 challenges to maintaining healthy, diverse Whatcom forests & watersheds.
Bellingham Landmark Trees Protection
Mapping, education, and advocacy to protect Landmark Trees throughout Bellingham.
Lake Overlay District Tree Retention Revisions
Updates to improve tree retention on private parcels within local lake watersheds.
Lake Whatcom Watershed Forest Protection
Protecting drinking water quality, climate resiliency, and more in Lake Whatcom watershed.
Mature Trees in New Developments
Advocating for retaining mature urban trees needed for climate resiliency, livability, and health.
Analysis & Feedback on Bellingham Policy Plans
Building a better foundation for improved Bellingham urban tree policies & ordinances.
Facilitating Local Forestland Acquisitions
Facilitating the acquisition of key local forestlands into perpetual protection.
Raising Awareness of Nature-Integrated Design
Showing how nature-integrated design principles can enhance new development plans locally.
More Tree Protection Initiatives Coming Soon!
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