
Please join us to make a lasting, visible difference in the well-being & future of Whatcom communities — and the world.
We’d LOVE to have YOU volunteering on our team!

Whatcom Million Trees Project is an almost entirely volunteer-run nonprofit. Though we are transitioning to a few paid positions, volunteers will always remain crucial to our success.

Want to join an enthusiastic group of talented volunteers who are passionate about our cause? Whether you have just an hour or two per week available, or seek greater involvement, we’d love to hear from you! We’re flexible about fitting with your other time needs!

Below are our current volunteering needs:

Work Party Volunteer

How can you have fun, meet others, enjoy fresh air, and participate hands-on in an important cause — all in a safe manner? Volunteering in one of our outdoor work parties for a few hours to prepare sites and plant trees with us! (Separate registration process – FOLLOW THIS LINK TO REGISTER)

Tabling Volunteer

Are you a friendly, outgoing sort, who enjoys chatting with people and getting them excited about a great cause? We need YOU to join our squad of ready-to-go tabling volunteers.

We often participate in various info fair settings, as well as info table opportunities at other community events, businesses, and venues — all fantastic opportunities to educate the public in person and 1:1 on our many exciting initiatives, sign people up for our e-newsletter and, most importantly, generate interest in volunteering and/or donating to support our work. You might be the first person a member of the community talks with about us, and you never know who might get involved because of you! Let us know if you’re interested in being trained and on-call for this essential role!

Tree Wrangler

Join our awesome team of Tree Wranglers!

Tree Wranglers are like the stage crew at a play or concert, for our tree-planting work parties. They do all the planning, site exploration, transport, and manual labor that’s needed to make sure each seedling will be planted in the right place, and all tools and materials are ready to go and arranged onsite. They also provide instruction and guidance to tree-planting volunteers during work parties. Their crucial prep work and expertise ensures smooth and productive tree-planting projects. This is a great opportunity to learn a lot and be part of a passionate and dedicated team, while doing satisfying work essential to the planting part of our mission! Let us know if you’re interested in being a Tree Wrangler!


Have a unique skill that may be valuable for us? Or just would generally like to help in any way occasionally when needed? Terrific!

Note: We also work with student interns from Western Washington University and other nearby campuses. To see our available intern positions, please check the Whatcom Million Trees Project postings in your campus Handshake app. Thanks!

Interested in volunteering for any of the above positions? If yes, please complete the brief volunteering form below. We’ll get in touch promptly. Thanks!

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Questions? Please contact us.

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Whatcom County Tree Planting Guide

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