Urban Trees

Nature Corner: Western Red Cedar

A Northwest Treasure for Millennia For 8,000 years or more, the indigenous peoples of this region have honored the Western Red Cedar as the “Mother Tree”. Across the range of this venerable tree, from southeast Alaska and northern California to inland areas of lower British Columbia and northern Idaho, Native peoples have used, and continue … Read more

Why Protecting Mature Trees Matters

Part 1: Protecting Mature Trees on Private Forestlands in Whatcom County: Why It’s So Crucial “Instead of being primarily concerned with the effects of habitat on the plants, the influences are the effects of the plants on the habitat.” -Joseph Kittredge, 1948 Across the United States, smaller forests, in the hands of private citizens, have … Read more

trees urban forestry park bench

How to Increase Urban Trees in Bellingham: Lessons Learned From Friends of Trees

Friends of Trees is a nearby, outstanding example of how planting more urban trees can positively impact our communities. Expanding urban trees is an important complement to reforestation projects if we are to successfully face the climate crisis and build community resilience. As summer heats up, I am relieved by the shade of alders and … Read more